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2:35 AM | Author: Pelaut
4 November 2005.

Genap setahun usia ikatan akad kami berdua. Pada hari yang sama, Melayu muslim yang berada di sekitar United Kingdom merayakan hari kebesaran agama; Aidil Fitri.

Niat di hati untuk meraikan ulangan tarikh bersejarah ini tidak kesampaian. Sibuk beraya. Kesihatan diri yang tidak mengizinkan. Juga album perkahwinan berada di dalam stor High Mead!

Tak mengapalah. In sya Allah 4 November 2006 akan datang lagi. Amin.. Tak terasa pun nak buat majlis sambutan atau apa-apa. Cuma teringat apa yang Teacher Pat pesan ketika saya tunjukkan gambar-gambar perkahwinan kepada dia. "You should always see these pictures on your anniversaries". Niat yang ditanam hampir setahun itu tak kesampaian.. Tak mengapalah.

Buat Abang sayang,
Ampunkan salah silap. Terima kasih di atas segala layanan. Sayang sayang Abang.
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12:11 AM | Author: Pelaut
Sayang letih menanti hari.. "Abang akan menjenguk sayang". Itu akan abang ulang setiap kali sayang mengadu. Ya, esok abang datang. Tetapi lusa abang akan pergi.. Pergi tinggalkan sayang seorang di sini. Kemudian, menanti lagi.. Tak berkesudahan. Pahitnya menunggu Samsung Z107 berdering. Pahit. Tersangat pahit...

Di awal waktu kita berjauhan, terasa hati dibedah keluar. Dibawa pergi bersama abang dan kemudian ditinggalkan bergantungan. Terasa hilang punca arah tuju hidup sayang. Mujur akal masih rasional. Mujur sayang bertuhankan Allah.. Ah, malu melihat diri.. Mengaku pejuang, tetapi kalah dengan ujian semudah ini. Ya, itulah iman sayang.. Abang, maafkan sayang!

Suatu tika dahulu,kita berjanji untuk menjadi pejuang. Sama-sama berjuang. Sama-sama senang. Sama-sama susah. Jika ke paya, kita akan turun berlumpur sama. Jika ke cakrawala, kita berterbangan sama. Itu janji kita. Tapi, rupanya sayang tak setabah itu.. Abang, maafkan sayang!

Pernah sayang menghisab diri. Kenapa sayang 'kehilangan' diri. Sentiasa menangisi ketiadaan abang di sisi. Kalau dulu sebelum kita bersatu, tidaklah sayang seteruk ini. Oh, barulah sayang sedari.. Cinta abang cinta sejati. Abang dan sayang, sama-sama cinta pertama. Kalau dulu, sayang dididik emak dengan didikan ala jantan. Emak tidak mahu anak perempuannya menjadi 'perempuan'. Kata emak, biar tahu berdiri sendiri. Biar tahu pahit maung kehidupan sejak kecil untuk bekalan masa hadapan. Tetapi, didikan itu kelihatan seakan hilang. Hilang bila cinta abang sayang ketemu..

Sayang bukan menangisi kekurangan abang untuk kemudahan hidup kita. Usah disalah faham tangisan sayang ini. Sayang tidak tahu adakah sayang mampu menanggung beban rindu ini. Itu yang menyebabkan sayang beraliran air mata.. Bayangkan, terpandangkan wajah abang di potret, akan menyiat hati sayang. Menyebut nama abang, bagai mencurah minyak ke api rindu!

Bebanan hidup kita masih belum banyak sebanyak yang dipikul RasulAllah s.a.w. Tetapi, itulah sayang.. Sayang terasa yang sayang sudah tewas. Kalah. Ya, sayang mengalah... Abang, maafkan sayang!

Maafkan sayang,abang!
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1:11 AM | Author: Pelaut
Dia yang tiada di kanta mata.
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1:07 AM | Author: Pelaut
Dunia ini bukan mudah untuk dipermudahkan. Semuanya kerana nafsu yang menguasai akal!
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1:06 AM | Author: Pelaut
Bila kita bertemu, terasa hati yang koyak bercantum kembali...
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1:00 AM | Author: Pelaut
Bila kita berjauhan, ku senantiasa memandang kejauhan...
My English Essay
12:45 PM | Author: Pelaut
Ini adalah esei bahasa Inggeris untuk peperiksaan bahasa Inggeris bagi sem ke dua tahun tiga Syari'ah. Our tutor is Ms Patricia Ellizabeth Sinclair. I've got 85% for this essay. Alhamdulillah... I'm very interested in this topic so that was why I chose this topic to my exam. Have a read, friends! Thanks.

Name : Nor Arbaeiyah Wahab
Class : Third Syari’ah
Date : May 4 2005

The Ways of Learning

Searching for knowledge or learning is an obligation laid on every male and female who believes in Allah. This rule comes from Allah and His messenger; Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Allah says, “Read: In the Name of your Lord Who created- Created mankind from something which clings; Read! And your Lord is the Most Noble; Who taught by the pen; taught mankind what he did not know” (Qur’an: Chapter 95 verse 1-5). Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, “The search for knowledge is an obligation laid on every Muslim” (Narrated by Ibn Majah).

In learning, there are two ways, surface and deep approach. Surface approach is learners whose main aim is to pass an exam and deep approach is vice versa, it is learners whose main aim is to understand the subject. They are completely different and there are many positive and negative effects to the learners, society and future government.

The learners whose main aim is to pass an exam tend to stick closely to the course requirements. Therefore, they just memorise information needed for assessments, not all the information. Besides that, they try to learn in order to repeat what they have learned. In this case, they make use rote learning. The because of taking a narrow view and concentrate on detail, they fail to distinguish principles from examples. They do all of these because they are motivated by fear of failure. If there is no any exam to be taken, they will not learn. Their main aim precisely is not to pass an exam but it is to gain a certificate for the best employment.

They are not creative. They cannot invent a new invention or discover a new discovery. They just accept what is given to them due to they are not an innovative person. They are not a good thinker although they have a good recollection. Taking a narrow view and concentrating on detail, make they fail to improve so far.

These learners will make adverse effect to themselves. Yes, they possibly pass their exam but they will fail in their complicated life. They will not able to settle off the problems due to their knowledge is very limited. They just have information that needed for assessments and most possibly all information which they have will vanish after the exam. They will not able to work successfully although they have the excellent job.

Besides they will make negative effect to themselves, they also will make adverse effect to society and future government. Their work will not give an improvement to their employment due to they are not innovative and creative. Bad problems come from society also will not be able to settle off by them. This bad matter affects the government. In Malay language, there is a proverb says, “Young man is expectation of nationality and young woman is mast of nation”. Youth is a trusted people to lead future government. If the youth is a learner whose main aim is to pass an exam, we already know what the bad effect that will affect the future government.

Not like the learners whose main aim is to pass an exam, learners whose main aim is to understand the subject do the vice versa work. They tend to read and study beyond the course requirements by actively seeking to understand the material or the subject. In this case, they make use of evidence, inquiry and evaluation. Besides that, they take a broad view and relate ideas to one another. They also relate new ideas to previous knowledge and relate concepts to everyday experience. They are motivated to learn by interesting.

They are ingenious and creative due to they trained by their way of learning. They have innovation. Therefore, they can to invent an invention or discover a new discovery. They also affect their friends to work as them. Commonly, they are loved by tutors and who is around them the because of their substantiality work. May be some of them do not have a very good memory but this weakness is not a matter to become more advance.

Of course, all learners want to pass their exam. The learners whose main aim is to understand the subject also want to pass too but passing the exam is not the main aim. It is one of the aims. Their main aim is obtaining as total of knowledge and experience to make they go forward. Making the other people and future government advanced also one of their aims.

These learners will make positive effect to themselves. They will be a smart person. Tending to study beyond the course requirements by actively seeking to understand the material or the subject, making use of evidence, making use of inquiry, making use of evaluation, taking a broad view, relating ideas to one another, relating new ideas to previous knowledge, relating concepts to everyday experience, make them a smart person. They also will be a wise person.

Besides making positive effect to themselves, these learners also make positive effect to society and future government. They will able to settle off the problems because they already have experience. Experience is very important to step oneself in understanding the subject. Definitely, they will contribute a positive effect to society and government because making the other people and future government advanced is one of their learning aims.

In Malay language, there is a proverb says, “A good seed if it is discarded in a sea, it will become an island”. It means, wherever a good person has, he will do good deeds to all people. The learners whose main aim is to understand the subject will do good deeds wherever they are. They will practice their knowledge due to their knowledge is unlimited and is not vanish.

Learning is not an easy task and a convenient assignment. Perhaps this is why some learners learn just to pass exam for gaining the job. Islam does not want its believers learn by the negative way. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, “If anyone pursues a path in search of knowledge, Allah will thereby make easy for him a path to paradise” (Narrated by Muslim). He also said, “He who guides to what are good will have a reward equivalent to that of him who does it” (Narrated by Muslim).

Having experience and as total of knowledge must be our main aim. Truly, it helps us to pass our exam. We need a quality not a quantity. We also need wisdom not a certificate. One day, we will repent what we have done. People will evaluate us by our character, not by our certificate. May be some of them will evaluate us by our certificate but it is not longer and not lasting.

As a Muslim, we have to learn by the positive way. Learning or searching for knowledge is also one of the acts of devotion. Besides we get knowledge, we are also given rewards by Allah. Allah says, “Allah will raise up in rank those of you who believe and who have been granted knowledge” (Qur’an: Chapter 58 verse 11). We learn not for gaining materialistic things but for our society virtue. We have to mend this wrong perception and do the best as we can.

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12:38 PM | Author: Pelaut
"Dalam sistem kekeluargaan Islam, keluarga diketuai oleh kaum bapa. Seorang ayah itu adalah imam bagi keluarga yang dibentuknya. Tanggungjawab keagamaan keluarga itu terletak di atas bahunya maka dia mesti berpegang teguh dengan rukun-rukun iman. Kuasa bapa melambangkan kuasa Allah di muka bumi ini".

"Seorang suami dihormati dalam keluarga kerana tugas suci ini. Punca penentangan dari sebahagian wanita-wanita adalah disebabkan kerana tiga perkara. Pertama: si suami tidak menunaikan tanggungjawab suci ini. Kedua: sifat kelakiannya hilang, dan ketiga: perwatakannya sebagai ketua keluarga hilang".

- Abul A'laa Al-Mauduudi
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12:19 PM | Author: Pelaut
The evil things happen when the good men do nothing!
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12:15 PM | Author: Pelaut
Apa yang kita mahu miliki ialah, 'keindahan'. Ya, keindahan hidup bertuhankan Esa!

Foto: Di taman bunga, Sheffield. Summer. June 2005.
Masihkah Ada Peluang
11:36 AM | Author: Pelaut

Masihkah ada peluang,
Untuk diluang dan diulang-ulang,
Benda yang sama tetapi berbilang-bilang,
Inginku julang-julang,
Hendak kubilang-bilang biar terbilang,
Permata memori yang tiada kubilang.

7 Oktober 2002,
bertemu noktah akhirnya jua,
mungkin dilupa…
dan mungkin tidak dilupa,
apa pun, kita pernah bersua.

Dari zink berkarat kita melangkah keluar,
Melangkahkan 14 kaki ke negara luar.
United Kingdom menjadi tempat belajar,
Asal niat kita, menjadi terpelajar.

Usah dipandang dengan mata sebelah,
Misi kita tidak berat sebelah,
Ayuhlah kita sama-sama terbelah,
Membelah harapan yang masih belum terbelah.

T-kah, Asmaa’, Nor-D, dan Daa Zek,
juga Yan-t serta Syair,
Kita adalah beliung yang bertemu dengan ruyung,
Juga bagaikan tempayan dengan gayung.

Dikesempatan yang ada,
bukanlah aku ingin mengada-ngada,
Sekadar melontarkan bicara yang sudah sedia ada.
Tahukah kalian apa yang ada,
Dalam hati dan juga dada?
Disitu letaknya terkilan dan terharu yang menyucuk dada.

Aku terkilan dengan apa yang berlaku,
Adakah aku tersilap laku?
jika itu kesilapan aku,
maafkan aku.. maafkan aku..

Aku terharu dengan apa yang berlaku,
Kita bersama, tujuh selaku,
Sama jiwa, sama laku.
Harap-harap semuanya laku.

Ampunkan aku duhai sahabat,
Kawan rapat teman rapat,
Jika ada kesalahan terdapat,
Biarkan sahaja hilang bukannya terkemas rapat.

Masihkah ada peluang,
Untuk diluang dan diulang-ulang,
Benda yang sama tetapi berbilang-bilang,
Inginku julang-julang,
Hendak kubilang-bilang biar terbilang,
Permata memori yang tiada kubilang.

Direka khas untuk tujuh sekawan, budak-budak tahun akhir kolej European Institute of Human Sciences, June 2005. Dibacakan pada malam perpisahan anjuran KAPTEIIS.
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1:52 PM | Author: Pelaut
Aku dikelilingi cinta-cinta dan kasih sayang; cinta Ilahi, cinta Baginda Rasul, cinta suami, cinta mertua, cinta orang tua, kasih sayang kawan-kawan, dan kasih sayang guru-guru.
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1:51 PM | Author: Pelaut
Ayman @ Qawqaz
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1:50 PM | Author: Pelaut
He's in flower.
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1:49 PM | Author: Pelaut
I'm in flower.
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11:52 AM | Author: Pelaut
Ya Rabb, tunjuki kami jalan yang lurus... amin.
p/s: This photo is not mine. It's from Samsung Z107.
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10:51 PM | Author: Pelaut
This is... sorry.. i don't know who is she...
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10:50 PM | Author: Pelaut
This is Cik Suda.
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10:49 PM | Author: Pelaut
This is Cik Uda.
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10:49 PM | Author: Pelaut
The smiley Nuna.
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10:48 PM | Author: Pelaut
The pink Nuna.
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10:48 PM | Author: Pelaut
The blue Nuna.
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10:47 PM | Author: Pelaut
This is Cik Nor D.
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10:46 PM | Author: Pelaut
Nor D and the bronok.
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10:44 PM | Author: Pelaut
Laut yang bergelora ganas itu melahirkan pelaut yang gagah berani.
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10:42 PM | Author: Pelaut
Bila hati kita bersatu, jangan lupa syukuri pada Yang Satu!
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10:41 PM | Author: Pelaut
Ya Rabb,
Kekalkan cinta kami dalam rahmat-Mu yang tiada ketepian itu..
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10:40 PM | Author: Pelaut
This is Cik Yanti Wardah.
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10:40 PM | Author: Pelaut
Ya puan-puan. Mula-mula, pegang pisau. Pastu pegang serai. Pastu pay attention for cutting.. bla..bla.. pot.. pet.. pot pet..
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10:39 PM | Author: Pelaut
aduhai bawang besar.. pedish mataku…
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10:38 PM | Author: Pelaut
"1.. 2.. 3.. 50.. ish.. hei Maa’, mu kira molek ke dok?! Kira balik!"
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10:37 PM | Author: Pelaut
His college
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10:37 PM | Author: Pelaut
My college.
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10:34 PM | Author: Pelaut
My name is Suda. My nick name is Daa Zek. My called name is Uda.
My name is Suda. My nick name is Daa Zek. My called name is Uda.
ish.. brulang ulang la plak... tak ingat skrip lah!!
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10:32 PM | Author: Pelaut
Jika rindu akanku, pandanglah langit. Tika itu, aku juga memandangnya!
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8:02 PM | Author: Pelaut
Hazihi sadiqati. Ismuha Clara. Hiya muwalladah. Abuuha Misriy wa ummuha Majeriy. Hiya mutazawwijah. Zaujuha Majariy.
Puisi kekanda
7:40 PM | Author: Pelaut
Kucipta puisi ini secara hentam keromo,
Sekadar untuk dikenang dan
berupa petanda kepada satu tanda iaitu; kita pernah berkampong di Kampung Lanybydder.
Perkampungan kita di lokasi High Mead,
Berbangunankan High Mead Foundation,
Bangunan itu mengait benang-benang ukhwah,
beratus hari lamanya,
kemas terjalin dan bakal terlerai beberapa saat lagi.
Ku tidak mahu jawapannya negatif.
Moga doa rabitah yang sering dipanjatkan kepada-Nya menampakkan keberkatannya.
Tuhan, perkenankan doa ini.

Kak Nor, Kak Rose, Kak Long dan Kak Ngah,
Kak Liha, Kak Aiza, Emi, dan Sarimah,
Kak Yah, Kak Ayu, Kak Za dan Kak Jah,
serta chef di Sheffield sana nun,
Semoga perjuangan menyatukan kita.

Dardaa’, Faisal, Abdul Hadi, dan Zubir,
Fitri, Khairuddin, Hamdi, dan Syukri,
Semoga perjuangan menemukan kita.

Kekanda sekalian,
Besarkan jiwa kita,
Keraskan semangat kita,
Kentalkan doh tarbiah diri kita,
Demi ‘pelita ayam’ yang kita gantungkan di langit yang melangit tinggi.

Nor Arbaeiyah Wahab.
Dibacakan di atas pentas sempena majlis perpisahan kekanda pelajar tahun akhir 2004.
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7:20 PM | Author: Pelaut
Bunga ini dibeli dari Poundland Lampeter. Sekarang terletak di atas peti. Kalau dalam pantun; pisang emas dibawa belayar, masak sebiji di atas peti. Yang ni plak; bunga sepound harga berbayar, kembang sejambak di atas peti. ehe..
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7:19 PM | Author: Pelaut
Bila kita bertemu, syukuri pada yang menemukan kita.
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7:19 PM | Author: Pelaut
Bersama dengan Syeikh Judai'.
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7:18 PM | Author: Pelaut
Azman ibnu Kadir
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7:17 PM | Author: Pelaut
Azman bin Kadir
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7:16 PM | Author: Pelaut
China Town di London. Ketika malam Chinese New Year.
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7:15 PM | Author: Pelaut
I'm going to buy this castle. he..he..
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7:14 PM | Author: Pelaut
Mawar itu kelihatan cantik. Tapi berhati-hatilah dengan durinya!
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7:13 PM | Author: Pelaut
Kenangan bilik 2004.
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7:13 PM | Author: Pelaut
The red Nuna.
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7:11 PM | Author: Pelaut
Ketika membuat presentation.
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7:08 PM | Author: Pelaut
Dunia ini gelap. Ia dicerahi dengan cahaya Ilahi.
-Ketika menunggu trem di Sheffield-
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7:04 PM | Author: Pelaut
She's giving a presentation in a lesson.
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7:03 PM | Author: Pelaut
This is my sis. Ja.
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6:35 PM | Author: Pelaut
Lampeter and High Mead’s girls. Ketika jamuan kesyukuran Doktor Ishak Sulaiman.
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6:32 PM | Author: Pelaut
I'm going to say: JazaakAllahu Khairal Jazaa' for giving me the elegant mobile last Thursday. I love it. It's marvellous! I'll keep it as I keep Sony Ericson. I was very surprised when you told that it's mine. You never told me that you were going to buy it! But.. I'm very happy. Thanks my darling..
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2:21 PM | Author: Pelaut
"Wishing both of us every happiness on our wedding day and hoping that the love we fell will continue to grow"

Azman and Arbaeiyah's Wedding Day
16- 17 November 2004
PUG 1, European Institute of Human Sciences, High Mead Foundation, Llanybydder, Ceredigion, West Wales, United Kingdom.